Katie Gilliatt » Katie Gilliatt

Katie Gilliatt

Professional Background:

I have a Bachelor of Science in Secondary History Education from Appalachian State University. I am certified to teach Middle Grade Social Studies (6-9), High School Social Studies (9-12), and Middle School English Language Arts (6-9). This is my 14th year at South Davidson Middle School as an 8th grade teacher.


Daily Schedule:

1st Period (8:00-9:35)- Planning. This is the time of day to contact me if you need an immediate response.

2nd Period (9:40-11:15)- 8th grade ELA

3rd Period (11:20-1:25)- 8th grade ELA (and lunch 12:30-12:55)

4th Period (1:30-3:05)- 8th grade ELA


Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (336) 242-5705

You may contact me anytime by email. You may also call anytime to leave a voicemail, or call during planning any day of the week. You may also contact me using Remind, especially if you need me after school hours.


I follow the Davidson County School grading policy.

A- 100-90

B- 89-80

C- 79-70

D 69-60

Below 60- Failing Grade



Classroom Rules:

Be respectful, responsible, and ready at all times. Be respectful to all students and staff in our building, including yourself. Be responsible with your belongings and actions, and be here and ready to learn every day.


Flexible Seating:

My room is full of flexible seating options. We have bean bags, yoga balls, standing options, stools, and regular chairs. This allows everyone to feel comfortable in my classroom, and allows them some freedom to choose the best place for themselves to learn. Each student has an opportunity to use all the options. If students have an issue with using these options appropriately, the privilege can be revoked. 



No food, candy, or drink. Bottled water is allowed. Gum is also allowed. **Breakfast during homeroom is an exception to this rule.**

No horseplay.

If you need something, look in the supply area first. If you still can’t find it, ask.

Please do not mess on/around my desk.

Do not touch other student’s property.

Use technology appropriately.

All school rules apply.