Tonia Holt » South Davidson High School College and Career Center

South Davidson High School College and Career Center

S O U T H  D A V I D S O N  H I G H 
Welcome Class of 2025!  I am excited to travel the next school year with you and guide you in college and career planning.  As you begin the process, I am sure you have many questions.  In order to help put those questions at ease, we have created the South Davidson Middle High School College planning Guide.  This guide should help you throughout the year when applying to college. You will be given your own copy, but feel free to browse our electronic version found on the left tab.
COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER We are pleased to announce that the College and Career Center is up and running.  We have a one stop shop for students to receive college and career planning in the center.  Our newly designed center displays college information on over 30 NC universities and community colleges. You will also find information on our US Military options.  We have information from the College Foundation of NC. We also display all of the SDMHS Pathways and their cords. 
Students may use the center to:
  • receive assistance and/or apply for a job,
  • create a resume',
  • explore the job board,  
receive assistance with:
  • college applications, 
  • financial aid and FAFSA
  • residency determination.
We hope that students will take advantage of this opportunity.  If you have any questions, please feel free to click on the Advising Appointment link to the left or email me:  [email protected].

Residency | FAFSA | Applications

Countdown to College (C2C) supports college access every October. C2C activities help high school seniors complete three important college enrollment steps: residency, FAFSA, and applications. Many NC colleges and universities will support C2C by waiving application fees during College Application Week.

NC Countdown to College will take place during the month of October.

Click on the links to learn more information
South students travel to DDCC for the College Fair:  Our students spent the morning speaking with college admissions officers at over 50 colleges throughout North Carolina.
college fair


Interested in joining the armed forces?  The College and Career Center will be hosting information sessions for all Juniors and Seniors in the College and Career Center.  Recruiters will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding the US Armed Forces. 
